
Ten Reasons Why Dogs Bark

If you are considering using a bark collar as a solution to your dog barking problem, then it is important to first understand why dogs bark. Barking is normal behavior and is part of the natural communication of dogs. Simply put, it is as natural for dogs to bark as it is for us humans to speak. If dogs did not bark they would have no other way of communicating with other dogs or with humans. However, a barking problem occurs when it becomes excessive. Excessive barking is an annoying behavior to a dog owner's family, friends and neighbors. Approximately 35% of rc air swimmers dog owners complain that excessive dog barking is their most common behavioral problem in their dog. There is almost always a reason for a dog to bark and some breeds of dogs have a higher need to bark than others. Breeds of dogs that have a tendency to bark more are Beagles, Terriers, and some herding breeds, such as the Collie or Shetland sheepdog. Certain breeds have actually been bred to bark as part of their watchdog or herding duties. You can find an excessive Remote Control Air Swimmer barker in a purebred dog as well as a mixed breed. Ten Reasons Why Dog Bark: 1. Lack of Exercise- Your dog may need longer exercise periods and more play time2. Boredom, Air Swimmers Frustration, Loneliness- Dogs often bark because they need a more stimulating environment to release excess energy and sometimes bark because they are lonely. 3. Separation Anxiety4. Improper Confinement- Some dogs will bark when they are confined in a room or crate for long periods of time.5. Play or Excitement- Many dogs will bark when playing with people or other dogs. This type of barking is more common in younger dogs and puppies. Some dogs will even bark when they know they are going for a walk or a car ride.6. Territorial Protection- This type of barking occurs when strangers or other dogs come near your property.7. Attention Seeking- Dogs will bark for a need to be met such as food or water, to be let in or out, or in response to pain.8. A Returning Family Member 9. Trained to Bark- Some dogs are trained to bark for performing certain duties. Hunting dogs, guard dogs, and herding dogs are examples of dogs that are trained to bark while doing their jobs.10. Environmental Reasons- Your dog may bark at unfamiliar sounds or sudden movements, when a phone rings, when other dogs bark, at passing cars or strangers, road noise, or in response to fear. If you want to help your dog learn that excessive barking is not acceptable behavior, an electronic bark collar can help. A dog will learn quickly that his barking will result in correction and will soon learn to stop the behavior. A bark collar gives your dog immediate correction that is a distraction to barking. When your dog barks the collar will give a mild static correction, similar to you what you get when you rub your feet on the carpet and then touch something. The correction will become slightly more intense if your dog continues barking. It is important to remember that when you use a dog bark collar, in addition to stopping the excessive barking, you also need to reward the dog for his good behavior. A dog bark collar can help you be successful in controlling unnecessary and annoying barking in your pet. In order to control excessive barking in our dogs and change their behavior, we first need to understand the reason behind the barking. You can eventually learn your dog's different barks if you pay close attention to him. If you can figure out why your dog is barking, then you can come up with a solution to the problem. Although barking is a normal and part of the natural communication of dogs, it is possible to control this behavioral problem in your pet.

